Regular Visual Inspection

Ideally this should be completed weekly, but the legislation states at least monthly. If you’ve only small premises there’s no need to record the information as long as in your own mind you know the check has been completed; if you’re going to delegate this responsibility make sure they keep a written record with the date, the equipment inspected and the checks performed.

Check the equipment is in the proper position, that it has not lost pressure or been discharged, that the tags and pins are still in place, and do a visual inspection of the unit playing special attention to the hose or horn.

Keep at least one spare Fire Extinguisher of each type. Tags can be easily pulled off, but Pins should stay in place. Once a Pin has been pulled out it will not remain secure and will need replacing. Obviously if the Extinguisher has been discharged or lost pressure it will need servicing and/or recharging before being put back in to use.

Annual Basic Service

This needs to be carried out by a Competent Person, someone registered that’s completed a refresher course within the last 3 years.

5-Yearly Extended Service

As with a basic annual service but with a full discharge and internal examination of stored pressure extinguishers.

CO2 10-Year Extended Service (Overhaul)

CO2 extinguishers also need a ten-year detailed inspection and hydraulic pressure test to meet Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000.

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